Earth, our beautiful blue planet, is dying. Due to our rapid development and uncompromising exploitation of Earth’s resources, humans are severely impacting our only home in irreversible ways. With the natural world tipped off balance due to our industrial activity and consumer needs, every passing year we learn about more catastrophic natural disasters happening all across the world, from severe droughts and fiercer hurricanes to unstoppable wildfires, all of which were caused by our destruction of the natural world.
The Ocean, in particular, has been devastated by human hands at an alarming rate, all around the world we have trash shrouding shorelines, oil spills suffocating marine life, coral reefs turning ghastly bleached white, and worst of all, trillion pieces of microplastics polluting and killing lives, both animals and humans alike.
Growing up surrounded by the magnificent Ocean, it holds a sacred place in our hearts, yet over the years, with all the floating garbage, the fading marine life, and dying corals, the once aqua blue water around us is turning deathly grey, and our hearts bleed under such travesty. We rely on the ocean for food, for air, for survival, this is why ocean sustainability is critical, it is also the main reason for the founding of the Fisherman’s Club. Saving our seas for the sake of all lives on earth is the Fisherman club’s creed and ideal, will you join us on this life changing journey?
Join us as we dive into the process of spreading Ocean conservation awareness, and celebrate with us on the beginning of an ambitious mission to save our Oceans, and the world. Influencers collaborations will begin spreading ocean conservation and NFT awareness across all platforms.
30% of our profit after sellout goes back into our community driven fund. Based on the community’s choice, selected investments will benefit holders with meaningful returns, grow our brand and engage with more ocean conservation activities.
30% of our profit after sellout goes to designated ocean conservancy ORG. The donation fund shall be decided by our community via voting.
With this milestone, exclusive Merch shops, free gifts to VIP holders and much more will become available to our community, there shall be no end to the treasures of the deep.
Marketing Director
Senior manager of a publicly traded company, leader, communicator, and an expert in public relations. Manages high profile Instagram and collaborated with multiple influencers in past projects.
Art Director
Working at an IPO firm, Therion has over 10 years of directing UX/UI implementation, and plays an instrumental role in all finalized product design. An advocate of pushing art to its limit, Therion ensures all design are met with high grade quality, creativity, and precision.
Ocean Specialist
Ocean Specialist, conservation activist, blockchain expert and the engine behind the movement, Oceanboi is a wealth of knowledge on oceanic habitats and marine life. Combining his blockchain expertise with the cause, Oceanboi plays an instrumental role in the team.
Award winning environmentalist, teacher, software programmer, and published writer, Ignis works at the forefront of the educational industry. He brings his expertise to the team and strives to help save our oceans.